ESLint v7.21.0 released

by Milos Djermanovic - 27 February 2021

We just pushed ESLint v7.21.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.


The new --cache-strategy CLI option can improve how ESlint detects changed files by looking at either file metadata or contents.



Bug Fixes

Dependency Upgrades

  • 3cd5440 Upgrade: @eslint/eslintrc to 0.4.0 (#14147) (Brandon Mills)
  • c0b8c71 Upgrade: Puppeteer to 7.1.0 (#14122) (Tim van der Lippe)


  • 87c43a5 Chore: improve a few comments and fix typos (#14125) (Tobias Nießen)