ESLint v7.3.0 released

by Brandon Mills - 19 June 2020

We just pushed ESLint v7.3.0, which is a minor release upgrade of ESLint. This release adds some new features and fixes several bugs found in the previous release.


  • The new no-promise-executor-return rule prevents returning unreadable values from inside new Promise(...) executors.
  • The new no-unreachable-loop rule catches loops that are guaranteed to execute only once.
  • Several rules have been updated to report more accurate source code locations.
  • Several rule option schemas have been improved to catch configuration typos.



Bug Fixes



  • c42e548 Chore: enable exceptRange option in the yoda rule (#12857) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 796f269 Chore: update eslint-config-eslint's required node version (#13379) (薛定谔的猫)
  • 7ce7988 Chore: Replace the inquirer dependency with enquirer (#13254) (Selwyn)